Virtual Study on Parables

Category: Class Virtual Study on Parables

Virtual Study on Parables

February 14, 2021

Parables: Stories for Life in God's World: Virtual Study, Led by Fr. Kevin

What is a parable? How do parables teach us about God and God's kingdom? Jesus' parables are some of the most memorable moments in the Gospels, and Jesus used parables
for many of his most important teachings. Learning the key ideas of parables, and knowing how they are constructed, can open up their meaning in powerful, life-changing ways. Please join Fr. Kevin as he leads a study and discussion of the parables of Jesus in seven, one-hour, virtual sessions, beginning February 14th. A workbook with short, weekly readings will be used in the study. To sign up, email the parish office at [email protected]. Sign-ups are due by January 31st, so workbooks can be ordered in time for class.

Sundays, February 14 - March 28 (7 sessions)
11:45 to 12:45 on Zoom
$20 donations accepted to cover workbook expenses

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