February 16: Justice & Action Committee
Many people are asking what they can do to help marginalized groups in our communities who may be targets of legislative or physical violence. To answer this need, St. Francis forming a faith-based social action committee. An organizational meeting will take place on Sunday, February 16 after the 10 am service. Anyone interested should get their coffee and meet in the lower level by the kitchen.
February 23: Collection for West Chester Food Cupboard
St. Francis is proud of our ongoing partnership with the West Chester Food Cupboard! Our next drive day for the Food Cupboard is on Sunday, February 23. Members of St. Francis are asked to donate packages of diapers (size 5 and 6) and/or baby wipes. Please take your donations out of any shopping bags and stack them neatly in front of the Altar before the service that morning.
March 2: Shrove SUNDAY Pancake Brunch!
Mark your calendars! To accommodate people who cannot attend events on Tuesday nights, this year the "Shrove Tuesday" Pancake Supper will be held immediately after the 10 am service on Sunday, March 2, the last Sunday after the Epiphany. Everyone is invited to attend as we prepare to enter the season of Lent.
Lenten Study: The Final Days
Our 2025 Lenten Study will be Matt Rawles's The Final Days, a study of the Passion of Jesus Christ as seen through the different lenses of the four Gospels. The study will have two meeting options: Sunday mornings at 8:45 am or Wednesday mornings at 10 am. Classes will begin on Sunday, March 9, and Wednesday, March 12, and will continue respectively for six weeks. Copies of the book are available in the Narthex for $15.00.
Other Lenten Opportunities
Some people have expressed a need for quiet, prayer, and slowness during this upcoming Lenten season. St. Francis will be offering a time of Centering Prayer and quiet reflextion in the Nave on Sunday evenings from 6 to 6:45 pm, led by Fr. Kevin.
Other people have expressed a need for more engagement and dialogue. St. Francis will once again be partnering with St. Peter's Church for a series of discussions using a video produced by Bishop Mariann Budde entitled "The Lost Art of Kindness: Civility as a Christian Calling." The gatherings will be held at St. Peter's on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm along with a soup supper.
Brown Bag Lunch
The next Brown Bag lunch is on Tuesday, February 25 in the Parish Hall. Donna Dellaria will be sharing "A Thumbnail Sketch of the Nine Enneagram Types." Please arrive at 11:45 am with your lunch. The program begins at noon.
Enneagram Growth Group
For those interested in going deeper in their Enneagram work, a monthly Enneagram Growth Group is held on at the home of Fr. Kevin and Donna Dellaria on the first Tuesday of the month. The next meeing is on Tuesday, March 4 from 6 - 8 pm. Anyone familiar with the Enneagram is invited to attend.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
The Men's Fellowship Breakfast is held monthly on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am at the West Chester Diner, 1147 West Chester Pike, West Chester. This is a BYOB ("Bring Your Own Bucks") event. The next breakfast is on March 7. All men of St. Francis are welcome to attend.
Beginning The Enneagram Journey
The Enneagram is a powerful tool that offers insight into your personality, communication style, spiritual struggles and gifts, motivations, and relationships. This course is an excellent self-development tool for leaders, individuals, and couples. Classes are from January 26 to March 2 at 4 pm (6 Sundays). The cost is $60 ($100 for couples). To register or for more information, text or call Donna Dellaria.
Hidden Voices
Tom Ridington will share with us the words and works of well-known and not-so-well known African-American Christians whose time spent in the Delaware Valley helped form their faith-inspired responses to social injustice. Featured voices include Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, Harriet Tubman, William Still, Leon Sullivan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Brenda Salter McNeil and Bryan Stevenson, among others. Class will meet in the library before the Sunday worship service on February 2, February 9, February 16 and February 23 from 8:45 - 9:30 am.
Pickleball will resume in the spring. Watch this space!
Walking with St. Francis & Friends
Walking with St. Francis & Friends is on hiatus for the winter. But keep walking on your own! We will resume when the weather is more walking-friendly in the spring.