Holy Eucharist Rite II & Blessing of the Animals

Category: General Holy Eucharist Rite II & Blessing of the Animals

Holy Eucharist Rite II & Blessing of the Animals

October 1, 2023

The Feast of St. Francis will be celebrated on Sunday, October 1 with indoor Eucharist at 8 am and outdoor Eucharist with the Blessing of the Animals at 10 am (weather permitting). Bring your pets to worship with you at 10 am! Dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, tarantulas (in a cage, please…) – All are welcome. Invite your friends and their pets, too!

• At Eucharist: The names of pets who have died over the last 3 years will be read from the Altar. If you have a name you would like to be ready, please notify the office by Monday, September 25.
• After Eucharist: All pets in attendance are invited to receive a blessing. If the pet is unable to come, a stuffed animal is welcome to be blessed in its placed.

We will also collect items for the animals at the Brandywine SPCA. A list can be found in the narthex. This service will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Helpers will be needed for both setup and cleanup.

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