Flipboard Collage Workshop

Category: Special Event Flipboard Collage Workshop

Flipboard Collage Workshop

November 11, 2023

November 11: “Flip Board” Spirituality Workshop
Prepare your heart for Advent and Christmas by exploring the Spirit’s movement in your life with the power of images, led by Donna Dellaria, LPC. Join us for a day of reflection, creativity, and laughter. You will be guided to use collage to create a unique project showing your goals and hopes (think “vision board”) while also representing and offering up struggles and challenges you are working to overcome. Saturday, November 11, from 10am to 2pm. A $25 fee covers supplies and lunch. Ages 15+ welcome. Space is limited. Call the Church office or text Donna Dellaria at 484-401-1260 with any questions or to register.

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