Drive-in Eucharist

Category: General Drive-in Eucharist

Drive-in Eucharist

December 16, 2020

Miss taking Communion? In December, short services of Holy Eucharist will be offered on Tuesdays @ 6 pm and Wednesdays at 12 pm, Dec. 1 to Dec. 23, in the main St. Francis parking lot, weather permitting. The service will use a “drive-in” format and an FM radio transmitter so all may participate. It’s easy!
1.) Drive to the church and park close to the main entrance doors.
2.) Turn your radio dial to 92.7 FM.
3.) (Optional) Turn your prayer books to page 396. At the appropriate time in the service, Fr. Kevin and/or Deacon Diane will bring communion to you. The service will take 10 to 15 minutes.

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