Brown Bag Lunch

Category: Class Brown Bag Lunch

Brown Bag Lunch

November 21, 2023

BROWN BAG LUNCH – November 21, 2023

We welcome Stephen Skoufalos, President Great Valley School District Education Foundation to the Brown Bag Lunch on Tuesday, November 21, Noon-1PM

The Great Valley School District Education Foundation was established in the early 2000s. The foundation, originally known as "The Foundation at Great Valley", was conceived by a group of passionate community members, including parents, educators, and business leaders. Recognizing the need for additional funding and resources to enhance educational opportunities for students, they aimed to create a strong partnership between the community and the school district. In 2019, the foundation was renamed to the "Great Valley School District Education Foundation" to reflect our direct support for the school district goals and initiatives. Throughout our history, the foundation has played a pivotal role in funding various educational initiatives that go beyond the standard curriculum.

Some of these initiatives include Venture Grants that promote innovative learning, scholarships and dual enrollment, community outreach through the Good Neighbor Program, and support for student artists.

Throughout its existence, the Great Valley School District Education Foundation, through its partnership with the school district, has significantly impacted the learning experiences of all GVSD students. By fostering strong community involvement and support, the foundation has shaped the future of education in the area and contributed to the overall success and growth of the Great Valley School District. For more information, please go to Stephen has been a Foundation board member since 2015 and President of the Board since 2018.


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