Workshop: Connecting with Compassion

Category: Special Event Workshop: Connecting with Compassion

Workshop: Connecting with Compassion

April 21, 2018

Thinking, Feeling & Doing: Connecting with Compassion

Saturday, April 21st, 9 am to 2 pm
Cost: $15.00 suggested donation
Snacks, Lunch and Childcare Provided

Every person initially engages the world out of one of three basic sources or centers: the head (thinking) center, the heart (feeling) center, or the body (doing) center. That is, while each of these faculties are present in processing input, one of them is predominant, and guides the way we engage with life. Knowing our own primary center, and understanding the differences of others, allows us to connect with people - friends, spouses, co-workers, children - on a deeper and more compassionate level.

In this short workshop, we explore these centers of relating, with the aim of personal transformation and building tools for healthy, life-giving relationships. Our time will include presentations, panel interviews with representatives from each of the three centers, and suggested practices that both work with our dominant center and help elevate the more repressed faculties.

If you want to expand your ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships, if you are looking for a new step in the path of spiritual transformation, or if you're just interested in why and how people are different, this work shop will be both informative and helpful. .

To register, contact the Parish Office: [email protected] or 610-647-0130.

Pre-registration helps us obtain an accurate count for lunch, but registration is not required to attend.

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