Information and Resources
April 4, 2023

Connect and Serve

Opportunities abound at St. Francis
for members, new and old,
to connect with the
social, spiritual and service activities
of our parish.

Acolytes - Acolytes play a major role in the worship service at St. Francis. They carry one of the crosses, a taper, the gospel book, or the banner. In addition, they help the celebrant set up the communion table, stand at the Altar during the eucharistic liturgy and ring the Sanctus bells at specific times. The Acolytes have their own robing room adorned by photographs of all those who have graduated. St. Francis welcomes those between 2nd and 12th grade to join the Acolyte corps. For more information, contact David Brooks.
Altar Flower Delivery – Flowers from the Altar are delivered each week to people who may be ill, in the hospital or celebrating a birthday, birth or other special occasion. Please call the church office to help with this uplifting ministry.
Altar Guild - Members ready the church for worship by dressing the Altar, cleaning silver and caring for liturgical linens. New volunteers are always welcome. Contact Sherri Lewis for information on the set-up team.
Audio/Visual - The Audiovisual ministry is a critical technical component of St. Francis. We use it to help enhance our communications and engage the community near and far. Most visible is the live streaming of our services, including our Sunday worship, funerals, Compline, special events, The Rector's Study, and the occasional interview and recording of parishioners. The streaming is done from the media center in the sanctuary or by using the remote TV Media Cart. You do not have to be a techno-wizard to be involved, just have the willingness to learn a few things. Please get in touch with Everett Warren for more information.
Book Group – The St. Francis Book Group meets in the church library on the third Friday of the month at 7:30 pm. Members of the group contribute book suggestions. Current book selections can be seen on the church calendar. New members are welcome anytime. Please contact Elizabeth Pitt for more information.
Choir – Adult choir members lead the congregation’s responses and singing during the 10 am Sunday services and other special services throughout the year. Members of the choir rehearse with the choir director weekly from 7 - 8:30 pm on Thursdays and 9:15 am on Sunday mornings. The choir sings on a September – June schedule. No musical experience is necessary! Please contact the Choir Director, Joe Perry for more information.
Church Gardens – This ministry keeps our grounds at St. Francis beautiful by maintaining existing gardens and adding new plantings to enhance the aesthetic appeal of church surroundings. Veteran gardeners and horticultural novices lead spring and fall cleanups. Many beds can be maintained on your own schedule. For more information, please contact Laura Petersen.
Coffee Hour – Members serve coffee and provide breakfast treats after the 10 am Sunday service during the school year. This important ministry allows us to get to know each other and connect after church on a more personal level. Written and personal instruction is provided. There is a signup sheet on the church bulletin board. Please contact Sue Kelly to help.
Fellowship – The Fellowship Committee plans numerous social events throughout the year. Francis and Friends and other events are announced in our monthly newsletter Fieldnotes, and signup boards are displayed in the narthex. All parishioners are invited to attend and bring guests. These are informal gatherings in a relaxed, fun environment. Please contact chair Suzanne Steinberg.
Flower Guild – The flower team arranges the beautiful flowers on the Altar each week. Please contact Mahala Renkey for information on the flower team.
Greeters – The greeters provide welcoming personal contact for first time and repeat visitors, as well as for long time parishioners. The primary goal of this ministry is to make visitors feel comfortable and welcome at our church. Members of this ministry usually greet once every month or two and are provided with easy written and personal instruction. Please contact Mike Lenkaitis for more information.
Intercessors – Readers offer Prayers of the People at the 10 am service each Sunday. New intercessors are always welcome. Please contact Sandra Healey for more information.
Note: Volunteers at the 8 am service on Sunday mornings read the Lessons, the Prayers and assist Fr. Kevin at the Altar.
Lay Readers – Adults and tweens/teens are welcome to read the lessons and lead the psalm on Sunday mornings. Minimal training is required, and personal instruction will be provided. Please contact the quarterly scheduler, Ed Damerau or Fr. Kevin to volunteer or for more information.
Lectionary Bible Study and Eucharist – Members meet from 10 - 11:30 am on Wednesday mornings to read and discuss Bible passages in preparation for the coming Sunday’s lessons, followed by Holy Eucharist. No prior background in Bible study is necessary and there is no homework. A Zoom link will also be provided on Monday for those that prefer to attend virtually. Please contact Fr. Kevin (610-647-0130 or [email protected]) for more information.
Men’s Group – St. Francis has a fellowship group for men of the parish that meets for breakfast occasionally during the year. They help with many odd jobs and projects at the church and set up for various events in the parish. Please contact the church office for more information.
Oblation Bearers - The role of Oblation Bearer is brief, simple, and important: they bring the offerings of wine and bread to the Altar before Eucharist. A sign-up sheet to serve as OB is in the Narthex. When your Sunday comes, the Ushers will be glad to guide you in this quick, simple, but important moment in our worship service.
Outreach – St. Francis participates in a variety of outreach programs throughout the year. Some programs involve collection and delivery of food, clothing and other items. St. Francis supports many local charities in our community through our time, talent, materials and financial donations. Information is available in the church bulletin or by calling the church office.
Sacred Bread Guild - Baking bread for Holy Eucharist was, for many centuries, a craft undertaken by members of the local church. The bread that was offered truly represented the “life and labor” of the parish. St. Francis is now using parishioner-baked bread. If you would like to become part of the Sacred Bread Guild, please contact Fr. Kevin. Gluten-free wafers will continue to be available.
The Rector’s Study – Periodic studies in Christian Discipleship are led by Fr. Kevin (or others) throughout the year. These generally occur on Sunday mornings beginning at 9 am, and last about 30-45 minutes. Lectures by Fr. Kevin are often recorded and made available online. Upcoming dates and topics are announced in the Sunday bulletins and other sources of parish communication.
Transportation for Parishioners – Volunteers provide residents of retirement communities with transportation to worship services and church activities. Please contact the church office or Shirley Warren for more information.
Ushers – Ushers help with seating, gather the offering and tidy up the pews after services. Volunteers are scheduled for the 10 am Sunday services and other special services throughout the year. No experience is necessary and personal instruction will be provided. Please contact Mike Quinn for more information.
Vegetable Garden (in partnership with the West Chester Food Cupboard) – St. Francis tends a raised bed vegetable garden that grows and donates three crops per bed per season. The growing season starts in April and ends in late October. Volunteers meet one hour a week to plant, maintain and water plants. The church has donated over 265 pounds of produce a year. Please contact Mahala Renkey for more information.
Youth Group - The middle school and high school Youth Groups meets on designated Sundays, usually in the late afternoon. The Youth Groups have collections of food during Advent and collection of personal hygiene products during Lent for the West Chester Food Cupboard. All Middle School and High School students are welcome to join us. For more information, contact Diane Faison in the church office.
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