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December 31, 2022

What’s Happening at St. Francis-in-the-Fields

What's Happening at St. Francis-in-the-Fields

Special Events

March 30: Spring Spruce Up

Our Spring Spruce Up will be Sunday, March 30th after the 10am service (rain date April 6th.) We will clean out and prepare our flower beds for the growing season and plant some hardy annuals like pansies. Please stay if you can, wear appropriate clothes, and bring any tools you may have.

Lenten Study: The Final Days

Our 2025 Lenten Study continues with Matt Rawles's The Final Days, a study of the Passion of Jesus Christ as seen through the different lenses of the four Gospels. The study has two meeting options: Sunday mornings at 8:45 am or Wednesday mornings at 10 am. Classes began on Sunday, March 9, and Wednesday, March 12, and will continue respectively for six weeks. Copies of the book are available for download on Amazon.

Other Lenten Opportunities

Some people have expressed a need for quiet, prayer, and slowness during this upcoming Lenten season. St. Francis is offering a time of Centering Prayer and quiet reflextion in the Nave on Sunday evenings from 6 to 6:45 pm, led by Fr. Kevin.

Other people have expressed a need for more engagement and dialogue.  St. Francis will once again be partnering with St. Peter's in the Great Valley Episcopal Church for a series of discussions using a video produced by Bishop Mariann Budde entitled "The Lost Art of Kindness: Civility as a Christian Calling."  The gatherings are held at St. Peter's on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm along with a soup supper. 

April 8: End Gun Violence - PA Advocacy Day

Every year, CeaseFirePA organizes a rally at the state capitol to end gun violence. Last year, working with partners across the state – including Heeding God’s Call and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania – CeaseFirePA recruited more than 600 people to spend part of a day in Harrisburg advocating for sensible gun legislation. If you are interested in joining traveling with members of St. Francis to the rally on April 8, please contact Fr. Kevin.
More information will be coming soon!

Monthly Events

Book Group

The next Book Group meeting is on April 11 at 7:30 pm in the library. The book for March is Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Dates for Book Group for spring 2025 are: March 21, April 18, and May 16. For any questions about Book Group, please contact Elizabeth Pitt.

Brown Bag Lunch

Please join us for the Brown Bag Lunch on Tuesday, March 25 at 12 noon. Larry and Helen Schroepfer will be our guest presenters.  They will share an overview of their 2018 trip to northern India, focusing on several places central to Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs. Bring your lunch and beverage and plan to arrive at 11:45 am to allow time for mingling.

Circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends will meet in the church library on Wednesday, March 26 at 5:30 pm. If you are unable to join us in person but would still like to participate, packets can be prepared for pickup or delivery as needed. Please contact Shelley Steel with any questions.

Enneagram Growth Group

For those interested in going deeper in their Enneagram work, a monthly Enneagram Growth Group is held on at the home of Fr. Kevin and Donna Dellaria on the first Tuesday of the month. The next meeing is on Tuesday, April 1 from 6 - 8 pm.  Anyone familiar with the Enneagram is invited to attend. 

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

The Men's Fellowship Breakfast is held monthly on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am at the West Chester Diner, 1147 West Chester Pike, West Chester. This is a BYOB ("Bring Your Own Bucks") event. The next breakfast is on April 5. All men of St. Francis are welcome to attend.

Weekly Events

Lenten Bible Study

For Lent, the usual Lectionary Bible Study will be replaced by our Lenten Bible Study, using the book The Final Days: A Lenten Journey through the GospelsWednesdays at 10 am in the church library and virtually via Zoom. The Study is followed by a brief service of Holy Eucharist for those participating in person. All are welcome!


Pickleball will resume in the spring.  Watch this space!

Walking with St. Francis & Friends

Walking with St. Francis & Friends is on hiatus for the winter. But keep walking on your own! We will resume when the weather is more walking-friendly in the spring.

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