Advent Study - The Soul Felt Its Worth
The Sunday morning Adult Study during Advent will look at the meaning and power of Christmas Hymns using the Advent devotional, The Soul Felt Its Worth. Books are available for sale for $10.00 in the Narthex. This will take place on 4 Sundays in December: December 1, 8, 15 and 22. Class participants will be invited to vote on the hymns discussed during each session.
December 13: Festive Christmas Party
Please join us for our annual Festive Christmas Party on Friday, December 13 at 6 pm in the Parish Hall. No need to bring a thing except yourselves. All beverages and food are provided in celebration of the season. We hope you will join us for a festive, fun-filled evening of fellowship. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex, and rides will be provided as needed.
December 16: Deadline for Donating Christmas Flowers
You can help decorate the church for Christmas by making a donation of $30.00 in memory of/in thankgiving for/in celebration of a person or event. You can find a form for making a donation in the Narthex, on the website HERE or by calling the church office at 610-647-0130. The deadline for giving the completed form and donation to the church office is Monday, December 16!
December 18: Daytime Christmas Fellowship
Our annual Daytime Christmas Fellowship Party will be held on Wednesday, December 18 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. As usual there will be food, Christmas Carols, door prizes, and maybe a few surprises. Everyone is welcome! If you can help bring someone who doesn’t drive to the event, please see Fr. Kevin.
January 10: Open House at the Dellarias’
Fr. Kevin & Donna Dellaria will be hosting their annual Epiphany Open House on Friday, January 10 from 6 to 9 pm. This is a come and go event and everyone is invited.
Please bring a dish or drinks to share. The address is 303 Weatherstone Drive in Paoli. Entering into the Weatherstone townhome community off of Devon Road, the house is in the first court to the right in the middle of the 300 unit. There is a statue of St. Francis next to the front door. Park where you can.
Book Group
The next Book Group meeting is on January 17 at 7:30pm in the library.
Dates for Book Group for spring 2025 are: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, and May 16, 2025. For any questions about Book Group, please contact Elizabeth Pitt.
Brown Bag Lunch
The next Brown Bag lunch will be on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 with Deacon Diane discussing "The Road to Becoming a Deacon."
Other speakers scheduled for spring 2025 include Donna Dellaria with an “Introduction to Enneagram” on February 25, a representative from the Diocese of Pennsylvania on April 22 on gun violence, and Stephen Godsall-Myerson speaking about "A Civil Rights Journey" on May 27.
Circle of Friends
The Circle of Friends will meet in person, in the library, on Wednesday, December 18 at 5:30 pm. If you are unable to join us in person but would still like to participate, packets can be prepared for pickup or delivery as needed. Please contact Shelley Steel with any questions.
Enneagram Growth Group
Kevin and Donna Dellaria are hosting an ongoing, monthly, small-group discussion on Enneagram reflection and practice. This small group is open anyone who has taken the foundational Enneagram course, The Enneagram Journey. The group will meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Dellarias’ home in Paoli. For more information, contact Fr. Kevin or Donna Dellaria.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
The Men's Fellowship Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am at the West Chester Diner, 1147 West Chester Pike, West Chester. This is a BYOB ("Bring Your Own Bucks") event. The next breakfast is on December 7.
All men of St. Francis are welcome to attend.
Lectionary Bible Study
Lectionary Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 10 am in the church library and virtually via Zoom. Bible Study is followed by a brief service of Holy Eucharist for those participating in person. All are welcome!
The pickleball season is over for this year. See you in the spring!
Walking with St. Francis & Friends
Walking with St. Francis & Friends has ended for 2024. But keep walking on your own! We will resume in the spring.