Diversity and Inclusion
April 3, 2023Connect and Serve
February 1, 2024
Meeting Scheduling
Please contact Diane Faison in the church office to schedule ANY meeting or function using the church building. Doing this helps prevent scheduling conflicts. Call Diane at 610-647-0130 or email her at
[email protected].
Crisis Catering
Can you help with an important ministry that has an immediate impact? St. Francis has a need for volunteers who can cook small, simple meals for people in our parish who need help. This usually only means one time a month, at most. If you feel called to this ministry, please tell Fr. Kevin or Deacon Diane. Thanks!
Flowers on the Altar at St. Francis
Please help support the flower fund by remembering and celebrating people in your lives. It may be someone who is deceased, or someone celebrating a special event. After the 10 am Sunday service, we break down the altar flowers into bouquets that are delivered to those who are sick or need the smiles that flowers bring.
The donation for altar flowers on a Sunday is $50.00. Click here for the form to complete (or pick up a form at the back of the church) so we can acknowledge and celebrate your gift and people.
Baptism at St. Francis
Baptism, as the Book of Common Prayer reminds us, “is the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ's Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God.” The prayer book goes on to explain that baptism by water is an outward sign of the grace God lovingly extends to us, as it unites us with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Through baptism, we recognize the forgiveness of sin, and welcome the baptized as fellow disciples of Christ.
For more information on baptism at St. Francis, please click HERE. For the baptism information form to be filled out, please click HERE.
Pre-Marital and Marital Coaching
Fr. Kevin is now a certified Facilitator for the Prepare/Enrich pre-marital and marriage assessment program. For over 35 years, the Prepare/Enrich assessment tool has been used by Facilitators to help couples strengthen and enrich their relationships. If your relationship or that of someone you know could benefit from a short-term program of assessment and conversation, please reach out to Fr. Kevin for more details.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
The tax laws can be confusing, but there is one rule that should definitely be understood by anyone age 70 ½ and older. The QCD rule allows an individual to make donations directly from their IRA accounts to the church, without having to pay tax on the distribution. This can save a considerable amount of federal tax, and it is especially useful when you turn 73, and must begin taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). To learn more please ask your investment advisor, or see Mike Quinn with any questions.
Safety and Security Reminder
The Safety and Security Committee has completed all the work outlined under the Non-Profit Security Grant Program, and St. Francis has been fully reimbursed. A complete list of accomplishments is in the Fieldnotes.
As a reminder, all three Exterior Entry doors (#1, 4, and 8) can be prescheduled to auto-unlock and lock at specified times. So if you have upcoming meetings, events, activities, etc., please get in touch with the Parish Office at 610-647-0130 to schedule the door(s) as appropriate. Please do not hesitate to contact Shirley or Everett Warren with any questions.
Church Emails
Are you receiving the weekly Parish News that gets emailed to all parishioners each Friday? Do you receive the Fieldnotes newsletter each month? Are you receiving all the Special Anouncement emails? All these emails come via Constant Contact from St. Francis. If you are not receiving these emails, please contact Diane in the Parish Office at 610-647-0130. If you use Gmail, you may find the Constant Contact emails in your Promotions folder.
Pictorial Directory
Have you had your picture taken for the online pictorial directory? Having your picture in the directory is a great help for old and new members alike. It connects names and faces, increases involvement, and helps avoid some awkward and embarrassing moments!
If you have not had your picture taken for the online directory, please see David Brooks or Fr. Kevin. If you do not have access to the directory, please contact the parish office.