~ Please join us for Sunday Worship ~
10 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
in person and livestreamed

Our Vision
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity and lay ministries,
and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission
To foster spiritual growth and renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
Places of Belonging
a video on St. Francis from the Diocese of Pennsylvania
Since 1957, St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church has sought to heed the call of our patron saint to be "instruments of God's peace." We are an active and friendly parish of 200 families, located in the Historic Sugartown area of beautiful Chester County, Pennsylvania. St. Francis offers its members a place of quiet inspiration, inclusive fellowship, and the comfort of God's peace and presence among us.
We are a group of seekers from diverse backgrounds who come together for strength and renewal, empowering ourselves and each other to go into the world and continue Christ's work through love, justice and peace. We invite you to be part of our growing community of faith.
St. Francis-in-the-Fields is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, a member of The Episcopal Church, and part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Parish office hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am to 2 pm; 610-647-0130
Clergy & Staff
The Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
The Rev. Diane Faison, Deacon and Parish Administrator
Joseph Perry, Minister of Music
Our Rector
Fr. Kevin was born and raised in Houston, Texas, committing his life to Christ in 1987 when he was 14 years old. Along his faith journey, Kevin completed undergraduate and graduate degrees in Bible and Religion at Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene, TX). After several years in the world of corporate health insurance, Kevin followed God's call to ministry by pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at the Seminary of the Southwest (Austin). Ordained to the priesthood in The Episcopal Church in 2008, Father Kevin served three parishes in Texas before accepting the call as Rector of St. Francis-in-the-Fields in 2016.
Fr. Kevin and his wife, Donna, live in Paoli, PA, and have three active children. In 2021, Kevin and Donna celebrated their 25th year of marriage.
Our Deacon and Parish Administrator
Diane Faison is a Deacon in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and as well as our Parish Administrator. She is a "cradle Episcopalian" having been raised in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chester. During four years with Education for Ministry, she discerned the call to the diaconate. She was ordained a Vocational Deacon in June 2017. Through the Diocese, she is on the Anti-Gun Violence Commission, the Continuing Education Committee and the Youth Ministry of the Diocese. At St. Francis, her ministry is serving with Fr. Kevin, assisting in the service, working with the Youth Group and the Acolytes, and singing with the St. Francis choir.
Diane is married to Paul Faison and between them they have 6 children and 10 grandchildren. Diane is a Rolling Stones and Flyers fanatic, and hobbies include photography, memory book crafting, traveling, knitting, and reading.
Our Minister of Music
Joe Perry serves as music minister at St. Francis-in-the-Fields where he directs the choir and plays the organ. During the school day he teaches general music at Spring-Ford’s 8th Grade Center. Before and after school he has the pleasure to teach many ensembles as co-director of the Middle School Concert Choir and Gold & Blues Select Choir, Assistant Director of the Golden Ram Marching Band, Associate Director of the High School Vocal Ensemble, Music director of the High School’s Music Theater Company, and Assistant Director of the Golden Ram Marching Band.
Joe has a Bachelors of Music (Summa Cum Laude) in Music Education from West Chester University (2008). He received a Masters of Music in Organ Performance from Westminster Choir College (2013). Joe currently lives in Phoenixville, PA with his cat Ronan.
Vestry Members and Terms
Term Expires January 2025
Anne Crowley (Rector’s Warden) (2nd term)Ed Damerau
Roberta Torian
Term Expires January 2026
Kathy Schilling (Clerk)Susan Nangle
Sherri Lewis (2nd term)
Term Expires January 2027
Susan Lenkaitis (2nd Term)John Groch
John McGovern
Deanery Representatives and Convention Delegates:
Jim Crowley (Conventions ‘24), Mike Lenkaitis (Conventions’24 & ’25), Tom Neely (Conventions ’24, ’25, ‘26)
Terms expire at the Annual Parish Meeting following the last convention.
Accounting Warden
Nancy Needhammer
Our Logo
Embracing the essential heart of the Prayer of St. Francis -- Lord, make us instruments of your peace -- and borrowing from our beautiful natural setting, our logo conveys our story through the combination of three simple, relevant images: the Cross of Christ and the dove of peace embedded in a leaf, a symbol of God's beloved creation.

Our Prayer
The Prayer of St. FrancisLord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.
Information on Membership
For more information from Fr. Kevin on membership in the Episcopal church, click here.