
Vacation Bible School
April 29, 2024


The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutierrez, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, will be visiting St. Francis on September 15, 2024. That morning, Bp. Gutierrez will be offering Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation to any who want or need to participate in those Sacraments and rites of the church.

 For those seeking Confirmation: the Book of Common Prayer requires “that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith, are penitent of their sins, and are ready to affirm their confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.” Because different people are in different places in their spiritual walk, their knowledge of Christianity, and of the Episcopal Church, St. Francis will offer three different “Tracks” for Confirmation education. Each Track will have five units, and Confirmands need only complete one Track to qualify for Confirmation.

For those seeking Reception or Reaffirmation: Reception is the term used for those who were confirmed in another denomination (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, etc.), who want to be full members of the Episcopal Church. Reaffirmation is the term used for those who are re-dedicating themselves to Christ and would like to receive a special blessing from the Bishop.

If you are planning to seek any of these rites when Bp. Gutierrez visits, please contact the church office. Make-up classes can be offered, and a Zoom option for the classes will be available.

Track A - Foundations: Living the Christian Life - Sunday evenings, July 21 to August 18, 6 to 7:30 pm

This track is suitable for youth, adults who are new to the Christian faith, and adults who are interested in exploring how to apply their faith to the world. This track explores the Christian life as a way of being in the world, rather than through adherence to a set of doctrines or propositions. 

  • July 21 - Unit 1: Creation - The World is Good
  • July 28 - Unit 2: Sin - The Good is Disrupted
  • August 4 - Unit 3: Judgment - Change is Required
  • August 11 - Unit 4: Repentance - Hope is Renewed
  • August 18 - Unit 5: Redemption - God’s Dream Restored


Track B - Faithfulness: The Tools of our Practice - Sundays mornings, July 21 to August 18, 8:50 to 9:40 am

This track is directed toward those individuals who are established, practicing Christians, but want to better understand the basic tools of Episcopal Christian spiritual practice. 

  •  July 21 - Unit 1: The Bible
  • July 28 - Unit 2: Sacraments & Sacramentality
  • August 4 - Unit 3: The Book of Common Prayer
  • August 11 - Unit 4: Liturgy & The Christian Year
  • August 18 - Unit 5: Living in Community


Track C - Fraternity: The Shape of Our Community

This track is for those who want to know more about the history and inner workings of the Episcopal Church. This class is currently not scheduled. Anyone interested should contact Fr. Kevin. 

  •  TBD - Unit 1: A Quick History of Anglicanism
  • TBD - Unit 2: A Quick History of the Episcopal Church
  • TBD - Unit 3: Episcopal Church Polity
  • TBD - Unit 4: Episcopalians & Social Engagement
  • TBD - Unit 5: Episcopalians & Other Denominations



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