The Altar Guild is a quiet ministry at St. Francis-in-the-Fields living out its mission to serve at the Lord’s table.
The Altar Guild is comprised of two teams, each having separate responsibilities. There is a set-up team and a flower team. The set-up team is responsible for vesting the altar for every service conducted at St Francis-in-the-Fields. This includes regular Sunday morning worship as well as weddings, funerals and special services held during the week.
The flower guild arranges the flowers for the altar every week. They work hard to coordinate the colors of the flowers with the altar frontal for the season. Following the service, the flowers are deconstructed to provide bouquets of flowers for home bound parishioners or members of the congregation who are ill. Volunteer drivers deliver the flowers to whomever the Rector wishes.
The cost for donating flowers for a Sunday morning service is $50. Moneys are also collected for decorating the church at Easter and Christmas. The suggested donation for Christmas or Easter flowers is $30.
Altar Flower Dedication forms are available on the table at the top of the stairs in the Narthex, or you can print one out at home by clicking HERE. Please include your check or cash with the request form.