Outreach programs at St. Francis-in-the-Fields are focused on providing financial support to make a real impact on our community in Chester County and the Delaware Valley. Some of the organizations we have been supporting:
The Volunteer English Program (VEP) enhances the economic and social quality of life for immigrant families, community members, consumers, employers and employees in Chester County by providing tutoring for adults to improve their English language skills, their American cultural understanding, and their participation in the communities we share.
The mission of the Care Center Foundation is to promote community partnerships by providing a ministry of presence and spiritual support in the West Chester PA community that it serves. The Center empowers those who give and those who receive through creative educational, recreational, and social service activities.
Church Farm School is an independent boarding and day school for boys in grades 9-12 in the Episcopal tradition. CFS prepares a diverse group of boys with academic ability and good character to lead productive and fulfilling lives by making a college preparatory education financially accessible.
Community Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM) provides medical services to the working poor in Chester County.
The Domestic Violence Center of Chester County provides intervention, education, outreach, advocacy and programs to prevent, reduce and remedy domestic violence in Chester County and to empower survivors of domestic abuse support them as they reclaim their lives.
Friends Association for Care and Protection of Children, based in West Chester, focuses on homeless or near homeless families with children. It operates one of only three family shelters in Chester County and is one of the few homeless prevention programs in the region.
Home of the Sparrow offers shelter to homeless and abused women and children in Chester County, and provides supportive services to homeless and low-income women who want to improve their lives and become self-sufficient.
My Brother's Place, a homeless shelter in Philadelphia, receives support from St. Francis-in-the-Fields through generous donations of clothes, toiletries, blankets and backpacks.
Safe Harbor, located in West Chester, provides shelter for single homeless men and women in Chester County, and assistance in helping them to become self-sufficient. Safe Harbor is the only place in Chester County with beds for homeless single women. In 2017 St. Francis coordinated a $1200.00 Domestic Mission Grant through the Diocese of Pennsylvania to help Safe Harbor repair their roof.
The West Chester Food Cupboard serves low-income members in our community who are food insecure. Food collected and grown at church is taken regularly to the West Chester Food Cupboard by volunteers.
St. Francis-in-the-Fields maintains its parish and individual outreach, not just financially, but also through the personal and collective efforts of many parishioners. Many of these various agencies have expressed the idea that, as welcome and necessary as financial outreach is to their everyday operations, they are also in great need of volunteer support. Know that you can and do make a difference in people’s lives, many of them right here in Chester County. “For it is in giving that we receive…” (Prayer of St. Francis).